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Näyttelyt What is Hidden What is Seen, Oksasenkatu 11, Helsinki, 2018 sekä Light in the Absecne of Light, Blokk Art Space, Bergen, 2017 Lisa Him-Jensenin kanssa.
What is Hidden What is Seen, Oksasenkatu 11, Helsinki, 2018

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Essee 21.12; 2017
Video 21.12; 14,12 min; 2016
Sublimasjon, lyijykynä paperille; 2018

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Sublimasjon, lyijykynä paperille; 2018
Utsagn; runo läpinäkyvälle paperille; 24 x 18 cm x 8; 2018
Sagn: lyijykynä paperille; 45 x 37 cm; 2017

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Sagn: lyijykynä paperille; 45 x 37 cm; 2017

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Yllä: Essee 21.12; 2017. Esseen pari, lähes samanlainen essee 21.12 oli samaan aikaan esillä Galleria Harmaassa Turussa.

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Installaatio They Shine Vaguely Through My Consciousness, keskeneräiset tai epäonnistuneet rullatut piirustukset, vaihtuvaväriset valot; 2018


Ultiva; nukutettuna olemisesta kertova runo mustalla mustalle; 2018



Press release

What is Hidden What is Seen

Oksasenkatu 11

7.12-22.12 2018


What is Hidden What is Seen is about visibility and perception, darkness as the absence of brightness, and the faint lights that flicker in the dark of winter. The works are divided into two floors of Oksasenkatu 11: upstairs, drawings and texts operate in the light, and downstairs, in the dark, light is radiating from the artworks themselves.

The drawings of the exhibition both show and hide simultaneously: they present an image of light that isn't reflected directly to the viewer's eye but instead goes through one more reflection, or they are simply turned away, teasing their content. Sagn and Sublimasjon depict reflections of objects in water, where the resulting image is either crystal clear or distorted, depending on the evenness of the reflecting surface. In an installation They Shimmer Vaguely Through My Consciousness other drawings – ones that are old and forgotten; ones that are not yet finished, and new ones waiting for their turn to be seen – are rolled up into themselves and illuminated from within, letting traces of the image shine through.


The text-based works play with reflections, repetitions and readability. In Utsagn and Ultiva, texts are printed on black or layered, translucent paper, which gradually veil and unveil the words. In the video essay 21.12, the narrator goes searching for remnants of light in the darkest time of the year. The theme is elaborated further in a visual twin essay, which recounts the winter solstices of the past few years, and also reflects on the exhibition itself, during which one more winter solstice will take place. The video and a version of the essay are simultaneously presented at Oksasenkatu 11 and at Galleria Harmaa in Turku, and the two exhibitions are set to partially mirror each other.


What is Hidden What is Seen is the second instalment of the collaboration between Lisa Him-Jensen and Henni Kitti, and is a continuation of the themes from their first exhibition Light in the Absence of Light, at BLOKK Art Space in Bergen, 2017.









Light in the Absecne of Light, Blokk Art Space, Bergen, 2017


Videot Hula hula (Napapiirillä); 1,33 min (loop); 2017 ja Aurinko paperilla; 42 s (loop); 2016

Hula hula (Napapiirillä); 1,33 min (loop); 2017

Aurinko paperilla; 42 s (loop); 2016


Coma; polymeerigravyyri; 2017

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Twice is Forever; piirustus ja valokuva; 2017

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Twice is Forever II; piirustus ja valokuva; 2017

Press release

Light in the Absence of Light
Blokk Art Space, Bergen

Light in the Absence of Light is a collaboration between Henni Kitti and Lisa Him-Jensen. It started as a joint meditation on various phenomena: light, darkness, the weight of words and the various shapes in the universe. The project it has evolved into has absorbed the blackness and scattered lights of deep space, while being centred around a handful of small and medium-sized, very earthly objects, which though limited in scale and reach aspire to something beyond themselves.
Henni Kitti is an artist and a writer. She works with drawing, painting, video and installation. Her debut novel Elävän näköiset (Lifelikes, WSOY), was published in 2014. She views her work as a series of evolutions, in which the subjects transform from work to work; the images and shapes get mirrored and reflected, their remnants get transported from one paper to another, from video to text. It can also be the surface of a drawing or a photo itself which changes shape in front of the viewer's eyes through anamorphosis or special viewing techniques. All her recent work is tied together by light and optical phenomena.
Lisa Him-Jensen’s practice is situated between visual art and language. She works in different media, mainly text, drawing, painting, collage and books – the latter both as material and as a mode of expression. In recent work, she has also incorporated printmaking and photography. Her projects oscillate between empirical reality and the place where inner and outer realities merge. Here language serves as the thread that holds it all together. She is interested in man as a part and an antagonist of nature, and as an antagonist of his own nature. In 2016, a selection of her written work was published in Signaler, Cappelen Damm’s yearly anthology for new writers.

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